Drug & Alcohol Testing for your Business

Drug & Alcohol Testing for your Business

Drugs and alcohol abuse is a serious problem in Australian workplaces. 
It has been estimated that 2.5 million days are lost annually due to drinking and drug use at a cost of more than $680 million
The costs of this abuse are not just financial and legal, but can also pose a threat to the safety of your employees, and their families. 
Our Employer Assistance Helpline takes over 800 calls from employers each year on many topics including drugs and alcohol in the workplace. We understand that drug and alcohol abuse can create health and safety risks in the workplace, which can lead to: 

  • workplace accidents;
  • workplace violence; 
  • workers’ compensation claims;
  • increased staff turnover; and
  • increased absenteeism and sick leave.

Based on feedback from members, and in response to trend increases in drug abuse such as ice across the state, particularly in regional Queensland, CCIQ will soon be launching a drug and alcohol testing service. 
This new service-offering will help to mitigate associated risks and ensure businesses are proactive in managing the health and safety of all employees.

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